Secondary Traumatic Stress and Self Care

Please register for Secondary Traumatic Stress and Self Care  on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 7:00 PM - 8:45 PM PDT at: Caring for children who have experienced trauma can be difficult. This training will help caregivers and service providers to understand the differences between Secondary Traumatic Stress, Compassion fatigue and Vicarious trauma. Participants will […]

Cultural Care & Responsiveness with Zia Freeman

This training explains the importance of cultural differences when caring for a child of a different race or culture. It provides insight on how caregivers and professionals can recognize different values, beliefs, behaviors, communication variations and potential barriers, including personal care. Additionally, this training addresses the need to keep children connected to their culture of […]

Resiliency with Zia Freeman

Coordinated Care’s Resilience Training provides information on how to foster resilience in children. This training looks at factors that affect resilience, the human adaptive process & ways to successfully cope with trauma. The training ends with a discussion around how caregivers can help their children feel safe, capable and lovable. Register Here

Suicide Prevention with Zia Freeman

Provides an overview of the topic of suicide, signs and symptoms, and how caregivers should respond in times of crisis. The training will dive into the rates of youth suicide, risk factors, and proactive steps to take for prevention. Will include a discussion on self harm. Register Here

CORE Training

CORE training with new volunteers will be Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning September 15th. There will be two time frames if the minimum number of participants are met. Morning: 9:00AM - 11:30AM or 12:00PM depending on the day Evening: 6:00PM - 8:30PM or 9:00PM depending on the day

National CASA/GAL Virtual Conference

The 2020 National CASA/GAL Virtual Conference aims to re-energize program leaders, staff and volunteers; and ultimately better serve children and youth as we move into 2021.  Through carefully curated sessions and institutes, you will have the opportunity to:  Reconnect with your peers Recharge through professional development opportunities and best practices sharing Reignite your passion for […]

Texas CASA Spotlight Training Series

Check out these awesome speakers (Dr. Jessica Pryce, Riki Wilchins, Kevin Campbell, Professor Ibram X. Kendi) that Texas CASA has graciously opened up to all!  First one starts Oct 29 and the last one is Wed, Nov 18.  And you register for the whole series, not each one individually. Registration and additional information can be […]

Trauma Informed Care – Understanding Trauma’s Effects

This training covers the effects of trauma on the brain and how trauma can derail development in children of all ages. Developed by National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) Training provided by Zia Freeman, MA, LMHC Community Educator with Coordinated Care After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training.

Protection Order Basics Webinar

The King County Law Library is putting on a "Protection Order Basics" event focused on pro se individuals.  While I assume there will be some King County specific details, much of it should be general info. Protection Order Basics Webinar With Attorney David Cedarblade October 29, 2020 7 PM — 8 PM Free registration! In this hour long […]

Engaging and Empowering Parents – the Parents for Parents Program

Parents for Parents is a court-based engagement, peer mentoring and education program that has proven effective in promoting safe and timely reunification of children with their parents. The program will be available to all Washington State dependency courts in 2021. This webinar will provide information about how the program works and why it is so […]